ITbM Nagoya

In addition to our primary labs in Zürich, the Bode Group operates a satellite lab at the external pageInstitute of Transformative bio-Molecules at Nagoya University (ITbM). This government-funded initiative is part of the external pageWorld Premiere Institute (WPI) program and supports world-class collaborative research efforts and fosters international collaboration. Our institute, ITbM, focuses on synthetic organic chemistry, plant biology, and animal reproduction. Currently, ITbM is directed by external pageProf. Kenichiro Itami and consists of 7 groups based in Nagoya and four international groups with satellite labs. Our goal is to make new molecules that change the world!

Our satellite lab is organized by Assistant Professor external pageShunsuke Oishi and consists of 2-3 postdocs, 2-3 technicians, and visiting graduate students. We also operate and direct the “Peptide and Protein Production Platform”. ITbM is housed in a brand new, state-of-the art building with outstanding infrastructure and collaboration between the synthetic and biological groups. ITbM is one of the most international institutes in Japan, with members from more than 30 different countries and uses English as the operating language.

Our group uses a “clone lab” concept in which nearly all the equipment, instruments, software, and working practices in our Zürich and Nagoya labs are identical. This allows researchers to easily move between labs and share data and methods. Graduate students from ETH Zürich are welcome to spend 3 months working in Nagoya on their thesis projects. We also accept applications for postdocs to work in ITbM.

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