The Group

We are students and scientists from around the world, working in the area of synthetic organic chemistry and associated disciplines.

The core of our research is the development of new reactions and the synthesis of organic molecules. Our current efforts include the chemical synthesis of proteins and protein conjugates, new cross-coupling approaches to chiral N-heterocyles, the development of new ligation and cross-coupling reactions, and the application of these processes to chemical biology, soft materials, and catalysis. We believe in making molecules that cannot currently be made by existing technologies.

Our primary laboratories at ETH-Zürich include about 30 PhD students and postdocs from over 20 different countries, along with numerous students, visiting researchers, and apprentices training in our group. We also have a satellite laboratory at Nagoya University as part of the Institute of Transformative bio-Molecules. In addition to five full time researchers based there, we have constant exchange of researchers between the sites.

To find out more about who we are and what we do, please visit the People, Research and Publications sections of the website!

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